Saturday, May 31, 2014

I’m Moving In… And Starting Anew

Hi there!

You might be a PJatO and HoO fan trying hard to find more about the gods, or you might be a scholar researching about ancient religious practices, or you might have just stumbled upon my overly dramatic post from the other blog which redirects to this site. Regardless of what brought you here, you are welcome at LORD AND PROFESSOR VIEGE’S GREEK MYTH-O-MANIA, the fruit of my long standing love-hate relationship with the archaic wonders of mythology and the modern conveniences of technology. A year ago, I started a blog virtually similar to this (a few people may be familiar about that already) but... that was ancient history.

Yeah… so back to my new blog…

Lord and Professor Viege’s Greek Myth-o-Mania is YOUR unofficial and fully unauthorized guide to the famous and infamous immortals of Classical Mythology. In here you will find the most interesting facts, the most controversial issues and even a sneak peek to the lives and loves of your favorite Greek gods! Being a full-fledged Divine Archivist and a myth-o-maniac myself, I guarantee that this will be a most entertaining (yet not wholly reliable) introduction to the world of myths and legends. If you may believe it yourself, this could even be your gate pass to Mount Olympus!

Profile a God and Join the Fun!

This whole new starting over again thing definitely sounds like a ‘herculean’ task to do. And so, I will gladly welcome any help I could get from you my fellow… uh… myth geeks. In fact, I am open to everything: comments, suggestions, conspiracy theories but most of all, article contributions! You may write about your choice of god/goddess/mythical creature (pls. do note that no write-up about mundanes will be posted here, except for those who have been deified). In doing so, you’ll have a chance to get to know them better (like I did to many of the gods in my previous works). Interested? You might as well take note of what to include in your article: 
  • The deity’s name (A witty title would be very much appreciated); 
  • His/her IMMEDIATE family (The Greek gods are make up one complicated family tree); 
  • The god’s realms, powers, offices… whatever you may call it; 
  • Epithets (or Titles in common language); 
  • MAJOR stories (with emphasis on major); 
  • Comparative mythologies (that is, the deity’s equivalent to other pantheons); 
  • Whatever you think has happened; and 
  • The god’s relevance to the modern world 
  • Pls. cite ALL you references 
Just one thing, make sure that what you’ll be submitting will be you own original composition. And another thing (now those are two things!), please be informed that your submission will be subjected to editing. OF COURSE, you will be duly recognized as a contributor once the article is posted.

For those matters, you may reach me through:
Google+:   Vee Jay Dalisay
Twitter:     @mahalnakonde

For the longest time I have believed in the talents of geeks like me. I hope that through this humble effort of mine we can share with one another the magic that is mythology. ‘Til our next article. Greek Myth-o-Mania will be waiting for you…=)


Lord and Professor Viege
Divine Archivist, Myth-o-maniac

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